Exclusive for ARGO on 31 May: Mozart's Requiem in Meteora, conducted by Stavros Xarhakos, original script and directed by Joao Correa


Night to Light is a spectacular performance of Mozart’s Requiem, illuminating the spirituality and personal nature of the music against a backdrop of eternal rocks, whose history is lost in a sixty million year past…A mystical experience, Night to Light expresses the dimension of feeling and sensations associated with Mozart’s words, “The night of death and the light that exists after death”}★ In fact, this is the light that has kept the argonautic spirit eternal. 

The film will be introduced at 19.30 by its director, Joao Correa, who recently wrote and directed “The Consul of Bordeaux” and who will be available for comments (in English and/or French) during the following up dinner. You are cordially invited to this unique harmony of Mozart-Meteora and Xarhacos.

With argonautic regards,

PS As usually, the event will take place in Le Châtelain Brussels Hotel,  Rue du Châtelain 17, 1000 Bruxelles, on 31 May 2018, at 19.30; members who would like to join are requested to deposit on time in the account of ARGO KBC BE66 7310 4303 6043 50 €, while those who are not members and want to participate 60 € , mentioning "Dîner, 31/05/2018" and informing the Argonaute Panagiota Balopoulou by sending an email to argo@argo-network.eu and pbalopoulou@gmail.com